Agent Center

Contract Population

My Profile

Edit your personal information which is used by the system when preparing contracts with Carriers.

State Licenses

Maintain your License information for each state. Your state license information must be entered for the system to prepare a contract to represent a Kingdom Carrier Partner.

Agent E-Contracting

Prepare a contract to represent one of our Carrier Partners. The system will generate a base contract using your profile information.

Product Portfolio & Availability

Carrier Information

As an Agent with the Kingdom Group, you will benefit from our many carrier relationships.

Plan Information

Information about the Products from the Carriers that we represent: sales kits, feature brochures and product comparisions.

Carrier Certification

Click here for the latest certification news and instructions for all carriers.

Training & Leads

Training University

Useful resouces for improving your sales efforts including webinars, product comparisons, new business submission procedures, sales kits, carrier certification info, ordering supplies, website links.

Event Calendar

Schedule of Upcoming Events such as product training and sales briefings.

Sales Leads

Click here for information on Kingdom Lead Programs or to retrieve sales leads from your portal.

Managing My Business

Help Desk

Answers to commonly asked questions.